Saturday, September 15, 2007

Forecast: Sunny and Cold as Hell

So, if you haven't noticed, this is my third blog of the day. I bet you're thinking, "Wow, she needs a life," which is true, but I have a reason to be on the computer today: It's frickin' cold! I took my dog down to the beach today, hoping to play some fetch and maybe race. The sand was warm, so my dog decided he was going to lie down. I thought that that wasn't such a bad idea. As a knelt down, ready to drop into the sand's crunchy warmth, a cold wind swept through. A COLD wind. My arms were taken over by goosebumps and my entire body temperature must've dropped by at LEAST 90% (of course, I am exaggerating, but you get the picture). So I cannot enjoy the beautiful lake, sand and sun unless I endure the bitterly cold wind. I have chosen to be a baby and sit at the computer. My dog is pissed at me.

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