Saturday, September 29, 2007

Welcome to the Lake

I have visited this cabin almost every week since I was born, and yet it wasn't until two weeks ago that I went for a walk around it.

I decided that my dog was much too hyper and needed to get rid of some energy, so I started walking with him down the old road. Usually I only go 1/4 mile, but for some reason, I just kept going.

It was beautiful.

The trees were all green, with the exception of the few bright red, orange and purple ones that stood out in the shining sun. The breeze gently blew the few leaves on the ground, swirling like dancers in a ballet.

I was in awe with all of the cabins, small, big, old, new, with their funny mailboxes (one in the shape of a fish) and garages with birds painted on them. I even walked to the old cemetery and looked at the old headstones, with relatives of Laura Ingalls Wilder laid to rest there. I looked through the rows of the old, dead cornstalks and watched a deer walk around unafraid, completely safe until one more month when hunting season starts. My dog sniffed around the dying wildflowers, crunching them down with his paws. After this lovely walk, I went down to the beach and walked in the water, ice cold, yet surprisingly relaxing. Sometimes, the things you think you know will surprise you. Appreciate the beauty.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Forecast: Sunny and Cold as Hell

So, if you haven't noticed, this is my third blog of the day. I bet you're thinking, "Wow, she needs a life," which is true, but I have a reason to be on the computer today: It's frickin' cold! I took my dog down to the beach today, hoping to play some fetch and maybe race. The sand was warm, so my dog decided he was going to lie down. I thought that that wasn't such a bad idea. As a knelt down, ready to drop into the sand's crunchy warmth, a cold wind swept through. A COLD wind. My arms were taken over by goosebumps and my entire body temperature must've dropped by at LEAST 90% (of course, I am exaggerating, but you get the picture). So I cannot enjoy the beautiful lake, sand and sun unless I endure the bitterly cold wind. I have chosen to be a baby and sit at the computer. My dog is pissed at me.

Are you a parking ticket? Because you've got fine written all over you.

A friend of mine had me watch A Clockwork Orange a couple of days ago, and I must say it was one of the most f*cked up things I have ever watched (along with Eraserhead). Now, I'm not saying they are bad movies...I'm just saying I think I would've enjoyed them a tad more if I was on pot...

It is not healthy to have a crush on Attila the Hun...

I have decided to stop being depressed. It's funny...I tried to be happy before, but it took me until today to figure how.
I was listening to a couple of girls in activity complain about the DUMBEST things and saying their lives suck. Well, you know what? Your life doesn't have to suck. You have the power to make your life whatever you want it to be. Sure, things may not turn out the way you want them to, but you don't have to look at it that way.
If you got a B on your test and you REALLY wanted an A, just think: You coulda flunked it.
If someone you like doesn't like you back, just think: Hell, he/she don't know what he/she's missin'.
If people start saying things about you or bringing you down, just think: Wow. They must be blind if they can't see how frickin' sweet I am.
Look past all the violence, disease, hate, etc and see the awesomeness of the world. See the beauty in every raindrop or the sound the leaves make in the wind. It may sound cliche, but it works. And if you're pissed or sad, don't be afraid to yell or cry, especially to your friends. That's their purpose: To put up with you. And maybe some day you can return the favor.
And don't think you NEED anybody: it doesn't hurt to have somebody. If your man/woman leaves you, they weren't happy, which means that you weren't/won't be happy. Don't lose all hope because "the one" wasn't the one.
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to end- It's about learning to dance in the rain.